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On April 1, 2008 young people from Australia and around the world are rising up to show the world that we refuse to fool around with climate change and our future. The Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Australian Student Environment Network, and Rising Tide Australia are calling on youth across Australia to join this global day of action and show the fossil fuel industry and bad politicians that we mean business. Ideas include, but are by no means limited to: rallies at gas stations or representative offices, Critical Mass bike rides, office occupations, Billionaire’s for Coal demonstrations, spank the bank visits, high-powered projections of solutions on the side of dirty energy factories, University Senate meeting take-overs, hold a clean energy camp at a dirty energy site, do solar installations, make spoof videos and websites, offer alternative, clean energy bus rides, do some coal mining of your own at a coal company’s headquarters…

Groups participating in Fossil Fools Day around the world include the Energy Action Coalition, Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, Rising Tide North America, the Australian Student Environment Network, the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, & Rising Tide UK, & Rising Tide Australia.

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A day of action to stand up to the fossil fools and demonstrate that a clean energy future is possible

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